Fruit Incubator or Artificial Tree
Fruit Incubator made by www.ali-ila.com
Completing the changing apple color cycle through Fruit Incubator
Fruits incubator is still in its primary testing phases. The purpose of
designing and manufacturing this machine is to complete the growth of the
unripe fruits in the completely controlled environment. Testing this
machine was successful in the color generating step and we hope to convert
unripe and non-eatable fruits to totally ripe and eatable fruits by taking
benefit from this machine in the future. Maybe, this machine highly help
growing of the fruits in the area, as in this method there is high control
on the materials inside the fruit and also this project may be useful in
decreasing the food poverty of the men who are exposed to malnutrition.
We thank all the friends who are interested in assisting and cooperation
this project in advance. Contact us if interested.
Consultation, Training, Design and Commissioning of
Special Agricultural Products Systems