Do you know
what the people thinking after seeing your advertising?
I don't know who you are
I don't know your company
I don't know your company's product
I don't know what your company stands for
I don't know your company's customers
I don't know your company's record
I don't know your company's reputation
Now - what was it you wanted to sell me?
Do you know what people think after watching your advertisements?
These appear in the mind of those people who face your advertisements for the first time.
However, it is quite normal that the audience think as such regarding advertisements,
as (s)he is invaded with waves of advertisements, and so the same makes a defensive wall
between himself/herself and such colorful advertisements. In your opinion, what can be
done to remove such defensive walls?
Usually it is said that it is better to first contact the customer and give him/her free
of charge consultation and then offer and sell the services to him/her after establishing
friendship and attracting the attention of the customer. According to your opinion,
Is it possible to be friend with all your customers?
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