My purpose is to convert the harmful wastes to a mean useful in improving the environment. These contents are the
result of my tests and experiences in improving the agricultural products and converting the same to a mean to
attract the public to a green world free from any unnecessary substances used in industry, advertisement, packing, etc.
For the time being, science is advancing with incredible speed. Today, I was reading a piece of news expressing that most
of the reliable scientific and academic centers across the globe are tending to focus on education through mobile phones,
through which you may have continuous, real time access to the information. This is quite amazing, as in the past, in case
you needed to know the answer to any question, either you had to at least call somebody or wait for a certain while to find
one to have your answer, however, IF his/her answer was correct. Meanwhile, if you had a question requiring experience,
then you would probably told:
“You came late, and want to go soon??!!!?? We have been trainees for such a long time to learn these!” Thus, after a couple
of months of even years working as a trainee and/or an assistant, you might have had your answer; whether wrong or right,
which was anyway a kind of wasting your life and time within such term due to the unavailability of correct information.
Nowadays, thanking to the technology, you at any time at your classroom may understand whether your instructor is right or
wrong; meanwhile, he/she cannot produce any content, as you will have your answer within a couple of seconds.
The future crisis of our home
Have you ever heard about the incident to happen for us within the next couple of years? Well, if not, then pick up a bottle
of mineral water in the summer, drink half of it and enjoy; it is cool and removes your thirst. Now, make tight the bottle cap
and leave it under the sunlight for an hour; then come back. What have happened, you think? If you drink this water you will
definitely burn yourself. This bottle was merely under the sunlight for an hour, but the Earth, because of us- the humans, has
been inside a bottle of mineral water for years and we are also inside this bottle together with the Earth. However, we are quite
lucky not being boiled down, yet.
What will happen if this trend continues!
The next crisis threatening us is the resources crisis, one of which is the water crisis. There have happened- and will happen-
quite a number of wars throughout history for resources, one of which may also be the last battle of the mankind. Some time ago,
I was watching a documentary in which two young bears, a male and a female which were also siblings, were kept inside the same
cage. In order to study their behaviors, the vet was feeding them equally. After a while, scientists decided to perform an experiment
on their behavior. They did not feed them for a couple of days and then put a living hen inside the cage. One of them hunted the hen
and started eating it. However, there was only one hen available for eating and both of the bears knew that. Therefore, both of the
bears fought against each other to the death for the food and at the end one of them injured the other seriously and won the battle.
At that moment, I thought what we- i.e. the humans- will do with each other if really the crisis starts? Do you know what have done
the people at the times of famine? To learn more, refer to the following website: http://fa.wikipedia.org
I am not sure why we all try hard for a year,
Collect our earnings, so that may be,
We can rest in the middle of the nature for only a week within the year-end holidays.
Have we not been there, before?